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Today’s Scripture:
“…There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.”
(1 Corinthians 16:9, NLT)


How do you respond when unfair situations come against you and people do you wrong? It’s easy to get discouraged and think that because it’s not working out, it’s not meant to be. But just because you have opposition doesn’t mean you’re not in God’s will. Most of the time the enemy and the devil are always intending to pump negative pictures into our heart to affect the status of reception of our heart from God and as well the status of the connection of our heart to God.

The guilty you become even when you’re not wrong, the more your heart is disconnected from the progress and exploit you should make. Apostle Paul described his work in the city of Ephesus as a wide-open door of opportunity with many in opposition. Anytime you have opportunity, anytime you’re about to move forward to the next level, there will be opposition, people trying to discourage you, things you don’t understand.

Brethren, you really need to understand that people who reach their destiny aren’t moved by what’s not working out, and they don’t give up because they had a setback or because somebody did them wrong or because what somebody speak about them. They know God is in control, that He’s directing their steps. They know that the setback is really a setup for God to do something greater. The adversity means the promotion, the healing, the new level is on the way.

A Prayer for Today:
“Father, thank You for every open door of opportunity that You open for me. Thank You that the opposition I face is only a setup for You to do something greater in my life. I believe that You are in control and the next level is on the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Please, don’t forget to read your 365 DAYS BIBLE READING PLAN for today!


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Thanks and God bless you Greatly in Jesus’ name! Amen!