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Today’s Scripture:
“…Dear friends, now we are the children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is…”
(1 John 3:2, NIV)


It’s easy to have the wrong image of ourselves and to be frustrated and depressed because of what we shouldn’t even think about. That’s the work of the devil, self-defeat open men to eternal defeat. You have to be conscious of this. The Scripture says, “Now we are the children of God,” but too many times, we live as though we don’t deserve to be blessed because we’ve made too many mistakes and had too many negative things come against us. We live with a slave mentality to mediocrity, to guilt, to lack, to addictions.

Stop thinking as a slave and start thinking as a son. Stop thinking about the person who just abused and abandoned you for no reason, start thinking you are not an option, you are God’s choice. Stop thinking about the exam you just failed, start thinking I have Christ, the hope of glory. Stop thinking about the contract and appointment they refused to give you, start thinking God has a better slot greater than that for you. Stop thinking about what you’ve been through and the mistakes you’ve made, and start thinking about who you are.

A son of the Most High God doesn’t live feeling guilty and condemned about past mistakes; he receives mercy and moves forward. No matter how terrible a son can be to a family, that can never terminate him as being part of the member of the family. It is not a luck, it is a birthright. A son or daughter has a boldness, a confidence of retaining their membership. You’ll expect God’s favor. You’ll believe for doors to open for you that you don’t deserve. Why? Because you’re not a slave, or a hired worker, or a friend of the family. You’re a free child of Almighty God!

A Prayer for Today:
““Father, thank You that You have made me Your child, and I am no longer a slave. Thank You that You redeemed me, and You’re taking me forward into full freedom. I believe that I have Your favor, and the obstacles in my way will be overcome. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Please, don’t forget to read your 365 DAYS BIBLE READING PLAN for today!


For scriptural videos and your testimonies for more devotions, kindly contact us:

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Thanks and God bless you Greatly in Jesus’ name! Amen!